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Volunteer Opportunities

Upcoming Events

School Volunteers are Required to Complete the

Essential 3:

This is required to be in the classroom, on field trips and any other volunteer opportunities:

1. Background Check - every three years

(We also required the 123B a MN Statute for all public and private schools)

2. Code of Conduct - every three years

3. Safe Environment Training, including:

Registering for a VIRTUS “Live” session - one time only

Completing the online module: Reporting Suspected Child Abuse


All required components are completed through the VIRTUS Online website.

To start the process, or for more information about VIRTUS, click the VIRTUS ONLINE button. If you currently have an account but are wondering what you need to complete, please contact Sue Scott – address below - for more information.

For additional instruction, click the Virtus Account Registration Guide.

If you have questions or trouble with the online registration process, please contact St. Bart’s Safe Environment Coordinator, Sue Scott, sscott@st-barts.org, 952-473-6601, x326.


St. Bartholomew School has a parent/guardian group, PTO, which is responsible for the following activities: parent/guardian education, socials and fundraising.

It is the PTO's responsibility to support the administrator, teachers and overall school programs.

2019-20 PTO Board Members:


Vice Chair

Communication Chair

Volunteer Coordinator


Hospitality Co-Chair

Melanie Rodgers

Kate Houghton & Heidi Rieck

Liz Dittrich

Amy Cash

Lindsey Koch

Carey Hastings & Liz McLean


The School Advisory Counsel (SAC) serves in an advisory and consultative capacity to the pastor and the principal of the school. The purpose and role of the SAC is stated in the Articles of Incorporation, the Constitution and the by-laws of the school. This information is available in the school office.


Current SAC Representatives:

Parent Representatives

Carey Hastings

Jason Holmers

Chris Rieck

Nick Dittrich

Meg Parker

Sarah Ptacek

Jim Trella

Nathan Rodgers

Michelle Sanchez

Steve Wallack

Katie Johnson

Staff Representatives

Fr. Mike Van Sloun, Pastor

Patrick Fox, Ed.S., Principal

Jen Nick, Programs Director

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